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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Drop of Sacrifice (Part Two)

Prompt: Trees  |  Genre: Fantasy  |  Word count: 150 words

Runa poured water from the pitcher into the small cup. She got up and picked the cup with both her hands. Her eyes never left the cup as she slowly made her way out into the garden.

Garden. She could finally call the little patch of land around her house a garden. She smiled. But then she stumbled over a small stone. And spilled a third from her cup.

‘Oh no no no!’ Runa cried, as she looked down at the spot where the water had fallen. It was already drying up.

‘No matter,’ she told herself as she squared her shoulders. She rationed out the water to the berries they had planted. She strode back to the house and brought out another cup of water, “You need it more now.”

Perched on a dead tree, Raven watched as a single drop fell from the clouds on the woman’s head.

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